Blog Post #4

Some abiotic factors that my plant depends on is the quality of the soil it is in and how much water we provide it, how many times we water it. Another abiotic factor is the amount of sunlight it gets. Some biotic factors that could effect our plants is little bugs slowly eating the plants and how many other plants are trying to grow in that same flower/plant bed.
I know my plants are engaged in competition. “Winners” and “losers” are determined in this situation by which plants are growing the best and which plants seem to be thriving and which don’t. It’s not always clear cut because even though some plants may have not lived as long, if they looked the best while still being alive you could consider that plant still and winner.
The plants are also having the interaction of predation when small insects eat the plants. The insects benefit because they are eating the plant and gaining nutrients, but the plant doesn’t benefit because it is being eaten.
Succession is prevalent as the plants keep growing bigger and bigger. Secondary succession is more obvious because the plants are growing somewhere where there was already soil.
