Blog Post #3

We planted three brassica seeds. Out of the three, only one of them has grown fairly big, another is small and the last one hasn't grown at all. Our plants have participated in the water cycle because they put the extra water back into the atmosphere after we water them. The main change everyone observed after the first few weeks is that there is grass growing around our plants. Our plant's roles in the water cycle help support our observation because some of the extra water didn't evaporate, instead the extra water went to growing grass in the plant bed. Our plants participates in the carbon cycle during photosynthesis. our plants use carbon when stomata in the leaves takes in carbon in the air then turn it into oxygen. photosynthesis contributes to what we observed this week because during this process, the plant creates it's own food which helps itself grow further. Our plants participates in the nitrogen cycle when it uses nitrogen and turns it into nitrogen compounds that allow the plant to absorb the nitrogen then uses it in chlorophyll. Our plant's roles in the nitrogen cycle help support our observation because the plant is enabling the chlorophyll to absorb sunlight and use it as food through photosynthesis when the nitrogen is turned into different compounds.
