I have noticed that one of the seeds we have planted has sprouted a lot and one other seed os’s starting to grow, but the third seed were planted isn’t growing at all. Our plans participate on the water cycle by adding to the evaluation process.When we water the plants after our planted absorb all the water they need the extra water evaporated back into atmosphere. Their role in the water cycle changed what I observed because the plants that aren’t growing are probably losing the water we give them because the other plants that have already sprouted are absorbing the water in the soil before the water evaporated because they have already started to grow. Our plants participate in the carbon cycle because of photosynthesis. Their role in the carbon cycle changes what I observed in the plants this week is that the seed that has sprouted the most is the one making the most sugars and oxygen molecules. My plants participate in the nitrogen cycle is they absorb nitrates from the soil in their roots. Then the nitrogen gets used in amino acids, nucleic acute and chlorophyll. The nitrogen cycle relates to what I saw change in the plants because the plants got nitrogen and allowed them to grow.
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