Chapter 4: Fast Food to All

chapter 1
Fast Food to All

Should all animals have the right to a certain quality of life? Yes, I think all animals should have the right to a certain quality of life even if they're going to be slaughtered and consumed by us later in their life. Some of the reasons being we need to keep them healthy to stay healthy and these companies are growing fast and we can only do so much to try and bring the companies down or lower their production rates.
Animals should be provided with healthy food, clean water, and a healthy environment. A healthy environment for the animals plays a big role in both of our lives. One, they could get sick if they don't have the right living conditions. A specific example of this is Tyson brand chicken. The company owns big barns with no windows where the chickens are crowded together, live in their own feces and don't get any sunlight. And not to mention, farmers are under the company's thumbs, making them slaves due to farmers debt of building chicken houses. Chicken houses can cost up to $300,000. Two, the animals could get us sick if we eat them. If a large outbreak of diseases caused by animals being sick occurs, this could lead to hundreds of people in the hospital due to sick meat produced by these companies.
The few companies providing us with all of our meat and dairy products are growing and grew at a tremendous rate. In the 1970s the top 5 beef packer companies owned a total of 25% of the beef being distributed and now the top companies own 80% of beef. Thats a 55% difference in nearly 50 years! Behind these fast growing companies come animal torcher through cruel ways of slaughter.  Since the companies are growing so fast,  they will do anything to keep up the pace (find more productive ways to kill animals as fast as they can). For example, once it comes time for animals to be killed they are sent to a slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse slits their throats and boils animals, such as hogs and cows, alive.
It is clear to see that if we don't provide our farm animals with the right food and living conditions, it will affect us in the long run. Most people say what they are doing isn't a form of torcher, its the way of life but I believe that the least we can do, when animals are on death row, is respect them because that's more humanly then what we're actually doing.
